Our best tips to safe cold water swimming
We have collected some good advice for you if you want to start winter swimming on a regular basis. This information is all about keeping you safe and warm.
We wish you a nice swim in the ocean, lake or river :)
Before you get in the water:
- Never swim alone.
- Check conditions before going to your swimming spot.
- Leave your towel and robe/jumpsuit in a handy spot - you want them ready and easily accessible when coming out of the cold water.
When in the water:
- Breathe calmly.
- Keep an eye on each other.
- Stay close to the pier or stairs.
When you are back out of the water again:
- Dry yourself in a towel or jump straight into your robe or jumpsuit while still wet. It's naturally up to you what you prefer but in our experiece drying yourself first will make you feel warmer.
- Stand on a stepping pad or small towel while drying yourself to keep your feet warm - even seconds on the cold ground can make your feet cold for hours after the swim making it harder to stay warm in the rest of your body as well.
- Wear windproof clothes that are quick to get in/out of - like a robe or jumpsuit.
- Enjoy the energy boost! You blood is now circulating faster in your body and we guarantee you already feel fresher and happier than before your swim!
Enjoy - swim and smile,
Ida & Barbara :)